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tv   [untitled]    December 17, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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space in the zone 4 area to put those bridges together. the contractor has chosen to wait until the buttress work -- a majority of the buttress work is completed. just an overhead, you can see that the trustle bridge is connected all the way to fremont street and the other areas continue to be under excavation and the buttress area at the east end. this gives you a breakdown of how the excavation is going. the dark photo, left side indicates making the final depth and they are continuing that dealing with the de-watering aspects from the rain and moves from west to east. so just some perspectives of how things have changed. you can see how the trest the bridge is now connected.
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hard to tell, but the ab and c levels are in place in zones 1 and 2 and at far end, all the way down to the d level. just a shot of some of the excavation and bracing going on and the conditions which the contractor is working under right now in zone 1. micro piles continue. they have 70 completed to-date, or by the end of november. installing bracing, under the 1st street bridge between zones 2 and 3. completing the trestle in zone 3. and excavation and bracing in zone 3 as it progresses along. the end section, the east end section, zone 4 buttress work continues. as i said they met the
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milestone of 162 and actually had 165 completed and continuing to get 2.5 a week. up-to-date progress chart and you can see on the chart kept by the program management folks, the team was right on target for the completion of the buttress work. a couple of the buttresses being worked on over of the last period. the contractor has elected to put in a sheet pile cutoff wall in the north-south division on division between zones 2 and 3 on eastside of the fremont street. this will allow them to start the excavation underneath the fremont street bridge and start moving into that zone 4 portion of that zone 4 excavation early before the completion of buttress work. so that shoring wall went in or that cutoff wall went in this last period and will allow them to start excavating under the bridge. the awss work continues.
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as i mentioned there is just a couple of shots of the work progressing on mission street and the integral work around the other utilitis in the streets. so next up is the substructure package as i mentioned. so we'll just walk through that real quick. the shoring walls are already completed. you might have seen the slides before, the water table. the next step is the micro piles and there are a total of close to 1800 of them, the length of the project, but as they are completed the contractor, who is starting with the grounding and geothermal in january, underneath this will be installing the 5' thick piece of concrete. then the below-grade structure and the walls and the foundation or structural walls and of course, eventually we'll get the steel out there to the superstructure. just the overall budget, which remains consistent for the construction work that has let.
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this is the overall construction budget of commitments to-date-560,000 craft hours. and you can see here that san francisco labor still continues to hold at 20% throughout the project. these are just counting the utility hours and transit center construction hours. and again, there is that number, over a thousand craft jobs over the course of the start of the transit center work and utility work. if i can answer any questions? all right. thank you. >> thank you, directors, that concludes my report. >> thank you. can we move on to the next item, please? >> yes item 6 is public comment, can which an opportunity for members of public to address the authority on matters that are not on today's calendar and gilbert deanza would like to address
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you. >> if there are any other members who wish to speak, if you could stand and speak after gilbert, thank you. >> good morning. madame chairman, board, maria, i am here to talk about the carpenters agreement with john o'connell. we recently signed an mou stating that the carpenter's union will hire students graduating from the john o'connell program. i am also a graduate of john o'connell and it's been a great career for me. i think it's a great thing for the relationship we have formed with the school district. we met with october and signed the agreement in which five graduating students from john o'connell will come into direct entry into the carpenter's program and two of them will be females, which is great.
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and we're very excited about going forward with this. paula will be getting together with the john o'connell school and providing the curriculum in which the students graduating have direct entry into the carpenter's join. i also want to say that we'll be having a college and career awareness day next thursday, december 19th. so that is the late update with the carpenters thank you. >> where will that take place? >> ida b. wells high school next thursday. >> thank you so much. >> thank you so much, have a great day. >> and if there are any other members of public that would like to speak, please do just line up. >> hi. i am jim patrick, patrick and company in san francisco. i want to go to the agreet
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agreement with heins. i would like to find out the bullet points. what are the responsibilities and deals made there? to the best of my knowledge is not a public record and wondering if it will be a public record ? thank you. >> thank you. if there are no other members of public that will like to speak, we'll close public comment at this time. [ gavel ] and we'll move on to the regular calendar. >> item no. 17 a presentation of the audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended june 30 120 [#20*-/] 12 and the report to the board of directors. >> thank you. >> and director sarah will present this item. >> good morning again directors. you have been presented with our annual financial report and i am of course pleased that we have again received an unqualified clean opinion. i do want to acknowledge the other tjpa financial staff that you haven't met. they are not at our meetings, but they are instrumental in
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making sure that we maintain our financial symptom throughout the year and that we're able to produce these statements. and with, that i want to introduce our auditor ahmad >> i am the partner in charge of the audit. what you see here is the annual financial statement the tjpa. as required by government accounting standards board we are required to audit the financial statements and ensure that the financial statements are fairly presented. because you are a governmental agency as well, we do extra work as it relates to further compliance because you are major recipients of federal grants, as well as the fact that we have to report in a separate opinion, internal control deficiencies and we're reported to report these items
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on the financial statements that you see here. what you really see in the financial statements is just basically a mirror of the financial statements that the management had presented to you. there were no audit adjustments, we didn't change any of those numbers and vouched them back to what we call external documents or external evidence, verifying that the financial information is fairly stated. as a mentioned before we're required to also report to you in these financial statements if we noted any non-compliance with laws and regulations and we noted no find of non-compliance with laws and regulations. with the specific tests that we go into, we verify the compliance with the federal requirements so we know there are no exceptions. we look at the interrible controls internal controls and payroll internally and look the controls and we have noted no
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deficiencies in internal control. we are required to communicate to you whether we noted any difficultis in the performance of the audit or whether we noted a audit adjustments, which is the second letter in the package that you have. we noted -- we proposed no audit adjustments. management has been one step forward giving us all the financial information that we needed to complete our audit and for that we thank management staff. i would be happy to answer any questions? >> are there any questions? if not, thank you for the report and the presentation. seeing no questions, can we move to our next and last item? >> yes. item no. 8 is the approval of the minutes of november 19, 2012 meeting. >> i have to abstain. >> we have a motion and a second. >> we'll take a roll call vote.
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director lloyd? >> aye. >> director mett kav? metcalf? >> aye. >> we'll have to carry this forward. >> so we'll take a motion to continue this item to the next board meeting. >> so moved. >> we have a motion and i believe we can do that -- >> what will change next time? >> the two will always abstain because they weren't here. >> i wasn't able to attend the meeting. >> what will change? >> i apologize. >> so you may review the meeting minutes that are available online and confirm that the meeting minutes accurately reflect the activity. >> okay. >>
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>> so we have a motion to continue this item until january and we will do so without opposition. do we have any other items to review? >> that does conclude your agenda today. >> meeting adjourned and happy holidays to everybody. [ gavel ] >> >> >> frantic shoppers around you may be in need of a break from the festivities and have no
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fear i will count down the places that will add fun to the madness. if you're in good of a good laugh stop by for free comedy night and food and drink speciallies. come laugh the night away at 8:00 p.m. sharp. after that get your skate grove on in your finest black and white duds. join the godfather of skate and his party crew this thursday at the skate night. skate to the funk and rolear disco and say the words "i love skating" and get a discount at the door. maybe the star party is your cup of tea and socialize and get tips about the night sky and from san francisco's picturesque land's end and the
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skies the limit. that's the weekly buzz. visit us >> it's just great to have each one of you here. all of the volunteers working so hard and all of our volunteers up here who will soon be working hard. and we just thank you for coming together to help the people who will receive these meals tomorrow morning. we're going to start with a word of prayer and then we're going to continue on. heavenly father, we just thank you for this time and thank you for all the people who have come together today. and as we think about thanksgiving, we think about all the blessings that you've given to us. and we praise your name, lord, and we thank you for the opportunity that we have to give to other people during this time of the year. so, we just pray that you would bless this time together and pray these things in jesus' name, amen. >> amen. >> and now, ladies and
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gentlemen, i'd like to introduce to you our executive director [speaker not understood]. (applause) >> the salvation army san francisco center is a state licensed [speaker not understood] recovery program. at any given time upwards of 200 people are here on-site, go through the program and get their life back together. our residential capacity is 106 single adults with up to 30 families and up to 52 kids with those families. you're not likely to find many treatment programs with child care program and also a licensed detox facility, but we have them here. we are truly a place for new beginnings and we have been that place at this location for 40 years. all those years we've been celebrating thanksgiving with
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our friends. as evidence of our thanksgiving history, i have these photos. some of you have already recognized dianne finestein before she was mayor. she was on the board of supervisors, i think. even before that, the gentleman in the middle uniform there is my grandfather who was the executive director here before i was born. so, we've been doing this at least 50 years, a long time. it's become a tradition for us. but we're here for more than because of a tradition. we're here to -- [inaudible]. because this gives us an opportunity to thank you for being here with us. gives us an opportunity to stand shoulder to shoulder with you and do good to serve those who are most in need. today we finish our preparation. tomorrow a fleet of volunteer drivers help us deliver these 5100 meals. so, thank you again for being
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with us here today. thank you for your help throughout the year. thank you very much for your help throughout the 70 years. and now back to our mc. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. (applause) >> and we're going to whip right through this. so, it may look like a lot, but it's not. what we're doing mostly is introducing the people who are here today because without you we wouldn't be able to do any of this. we appreciate it so very much. so, first we're going to introduce some of our folks. the divisional officers and staff. we'll start with the divisional commander who you've met, lieutenant colonel steve smith. give me one clap. (applause) >> very good. divisional secretary for program and metro coordinator major jack bird. (applause) >> faster, got to be there. harbor light center staff turkey carving producers, we have the harbor light strategic project coordinator who you've seen running around this morning, john mcknight. (applause)
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>> hey, that's better. from harbor light assistant youth director trey hillary. can't miss him. the tallest guy in the room. maybe second tallest. food service manager shawn bradley who is probably back in the kitchen. let's give it to shawn, right. assistant food manager, anna. all right. (applause) >> and our harbor light residents. [cheering and applauding] >> good, very good. the advisory board, advisory councilmembers who are with us today, harbor light advisory council chairman jim ayers. right over there. (applause) >> harbor light and chinatown core advisory council lilly chin. hey, lilly. chairman of the salvation army metro advisory board and harbor light center advisory councilmember, you all know him, pete ratto. (applause) >> hey, pete. and introduce our volunteers and vips, san francisco city ask county, the honorable mayor
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ed lee. [cheering and applauding] * >> from the san francisco police department, the chief of course, greg. and the san francisco police department command staff. [cheering and applauding] >> the san francisco fire department. with chief joanne hayes white, san francisco fire department command staff. [cheering and applauding] >> we're not there yet. a little anxious. [laughter] >> where was i here? united states army, deputy commanding officers of the pacific division, colonel petty stratford, senior officer staff. [cheering and applauding] >> san francisco heights president hu man services commission, commissioner scott kahn. (applause) >> okay, here we come now. san francisco fire department lieutenant bob arazave.
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(applause) >> san francisco fire department station 2 headed by lieutenant jay johnson. [cheering and applauding] >> and the firefighters from san francisco fire department station 2, let's hear it for them. (applause) >> now, did i miss anybody? college fire -- >> the city college fire captain. where is that person? fire academy. >> oh, the academy, we know about those guys. the fire academy, let's hear it guys and gals. (applause) >> very good. okay. one big applause for all of those folks, please. [cheering and applauding] >> and now i'd like to invite the mayor himself who promises me he has taken some turkey carving courses this last year, please welcome the mayor of the city and county of san francisco, the honorable ed m. lee. >> thank you, terry. (applause) >> thank you very much, terry for the introduction again. thank you to salvation army and
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harbor light center. to know that over 5100 family will receive a great thanksgiving dinner because of your efforts here is remarkable. and i want to thank all the volunteers here from the chief of the fire and police departments to our men and women in the armed services, to our commissioners who are here today. all the volunteers from salvation army and their friends. it's a wonderful time of the year. it's one of my favorite times. as we kicked off the season of giving yesterday, as i call it the season of giving, of caring and of sharing, because people in many of their own personal ways will help somebody else. it doesn't have to be money. it doesn't have to be resources, but ultimately it has to be care that we all want to share with each other. and we have a lot of needy people in the city and we constantly talk about it. we have concerns of other social safety net as our congress is on the fiscal cliff
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and we're all bracing for hopefully good things to happen, as they've been happening in our world class city. so, i want to again thank salvation army for helping us be the world class city that we are, giving ourselves the world class heart that we always have. so, happy thanksgiving, everybody, and let's get to these nude turkeys. [laughter] (applause) >> thank you very much, mr. mayor. and thank you so much for being here. you can carve while i do some more talking here. if you'll pay attention to the marvelous things they're doing with the turkey carving. we have 6,000 pounds of turkey here, believe it or not, 1400 pounds of green beans, 1600 pounds of yams. it's been cooking for 4-1/2 days around the clock back in that lovely little kitchen of ours. and all that work did not disrupt the usual activities,
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360 meals, 400 sandwiches for homeless people. they're still baking the brownies cakes and cookies. 300 delivery routes, 500 volunteers, 6100 meals to seniors and shut-ins. the meal, roasted turkey with stuffing, gravy, yams, apple sauce, cookies and hot cocoa mix. we want to especially thank our many donors especially the aaa folks who donated 50 28-pound turkey plus aaa maps for our delivery volunteers. 15 pounds of coffee with cups. and our photographer donate his time and talent today. and it is due now. and then we're going to have some photo ops as you can see. it feels like hollywood around here.
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terrific. and i'd like to be a little self-serving and promote another part of the organization i'm involved in. the salvation army annual celebrity bell ringing on union square is going to be on december 7th from 10:00 till 2:00. and we have wonderful entertainment including beatles tribute band and a rolling stones tribute band. and the list goes on. but in the meantime we're carving our wonderful turkeys here and we have this feeling of fellowship and thanksgiving comes tomorrow and it goes into full bloom. thank you for your generosity and your time. that was the quickest program you'll ever hear from the blessing to the closing words. the closing words does not mean you have to leave. you can keep on carving. but i'd like to invite roger
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mccourt and the harbor lights, the officer and he's going to do our closing prayer. >> let's say closing prayer. i promise i'll be quick. don't close your eyes. father god, thank you so much for all of the people you have sent to help out and thank you for giving us the resources and the ability to help all of these people who are in need. watch over all of the volunteers as they carve this turkey and watch over all the people delivering all 6100 meals tomorrow. thanks gets to their destination. we sd it in jesus' name, amen. ♪ ♪
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